WebSoftix Story

Hello, I’m Virgil, WebSoftix’s Founder and below I will try to give you a sense of who we are.
I’ve started the company in 2000, one year after finishing the Informatics Faculty, organizing private computers classes in schools around the country.
Along with the computers classes I started having the first opportunities to create software. Among first were an application that helped schools with their payroll calculation and a local cable company with their customer management.
In 2002 was the “turn to software development” point, it started with a full cover application (written in C++, using QT on Linux) to manage the operations for a local sports betting agency. After 10 months of intense work the first version was deployed in agencies replacing the existing Windows application. The client was happy with the results and unlocked the funds to extend the application which I happily did.
In 2005 I’ve stepped into outsourcing, at that time with an Italian partner, starting to build a team of developers. We were involved in many interesting and challenging projects, both on Windows and Linux, working as complementary team or doing full work.
We’ve had the opportunity to work with many different people - clients, partners or colleagues in distributed teams - and we are grateful to all of them for the experience we’ve got on how to work as web developers.
Thank you for taking time to read our story, if you think we can help you don’t hesitate to contact us.